Wednesday 22 November 2017


How to get rid of belly fat is a question which affecting the vast majority of men.

To determine your weight it is important to balance how much calories you intake daily and how much energy you burn.

Eating a lot of calories during the day but having less exercise activity, surely you are on the road to gain some extra weight – as well as the one that no one likes belly fat.

Over the age, belly fat can be increased. The older the people become they start to have less muscle tissues, and even less if they are not exercising.

The lower the muscles your body has, the fewer calories your body will burn. It mean it will be more and more difficult to control your body weight and then the question arises “How to get rid of belly fat”

Now you wonder “How to get rid of belly fat”? You may have seen that some men have less fat stored at their arms and legs. That is due to age that prevents them to store fat there and the fat is stored at their belly. Depending on your gene you might have higher chances to add extra pounds even to become obese. Also your genes can be responsible where your body stores the extra fat.

Only 1 Tablespoon Of This and Your Bowels Gone Within 2 Minutes

As the maxim goes, we truly are what we eat. The stomach related framework is an intricate component with a huge number of procedures happening in the meantime.-The procedure of processing is exceptionally confounded, which is the reason we should guarantee it keeps running as easily as could be allowed. On the off chance that the absorption is adversely influenced, poisons can amass in the body and cause genuine medical issues. Keeping in mind the end goal to keep this, specialists prescribe putting yourself on a solid eating regimen and playing out a full body detox at regular intervals. This should be possible with the astonishing blend we have for you today. Here’s the manner by which to set it up:                                                                                                  

Ingredients: 150 gr. of plums, 150 gr. of dates 5 cups bubbling water

Preparation and use: Put the water to bubble in a pot, then include the dates and plums and stew the blend on low warmth for around 15 minutes. Expel it from the warmth a short time later and let it chill off. When it’s cooled, take a tablespoon of the blend in the morning before breakfast. You will feel the distinction quickly, and customary utilization of the blend will clean your stomach related framework viably in only a brief span. The blend will resolve any stomach related issue and enhance your processing because of the high fiber content. Attempt it and you’ll feel greatly improved soon!

Friday 23 December 2016


It can cause anxiety if you’re not happy with how the look of your breasts. You may hear that it’s impossible to perk up your breasts with home remedies and exercises. Yet it is possible and I will give you a list of what really works.

I spent plenty of time testing out various methods, just to find that I didn’t like the outcomes of most of them. I scoured the internet looking for different ways to really target only my breasts and to regain a plump and firmness in them.

You think that it is impossible? Of course it’s not. I found an exercise that I used for many years that has made a huge difference in the appearance of the boobs. This is my favorite exercise! Not just that, but I also found one home remedy that really tightens the skin on the breasts, and leaves them firm, plump, and of course… much, much perkier!

I assure you that these 2 tips work, and you would want to get started right now.

The Only Two Tips You Need for Perfectly Perky Breasts


Tip 1: The Workout

  1. Lay on the back on a bench (if you don’t have access to one, you can use your bed or a mat)
  2. In each handtake one 5-pound weight
  3. Raise your arms straight above the chest
  4. Now, lower them out to your sides as far as you possibly can, like you are an airplane
  5. Then, raise them up again, back above the chest
  6. Repeat everything

You should do 3 sets of 10 of these every second day. This exercise is for the muscles under the breasts, in the upper chest, and in the underarm area. For around one month, you will start to see the difference!

Tip 2: The Home Remedy

The only magical ingredient for this is the olive oil

Lay in your bed and put some pillows behind your back. Take a bit of oil in your hands and rub them together. Put one hand on each breast and massage with small circles around both of them. Make 10 circles for each breast, and you are done!

If you have plenty of excess olive oil, you might take it off with a towel or you can just leave some on as the oil makes your skin very elastic.

You should do this everyday or at least 3 times a week and it will make your breasts firmer.

Try these two tips for perky and firm breasts, and you will be surprised of the results!

Arm Workout For Women: 13 Exercises to Get Rid of Flabby Arms

You know what’s more annoying than having belly and back fat? Having flabby arms!. This article will give you workouts to do at home to get rid of them. You can use weights or no equipment at all. Not only flabby arms feel weird but they also don’t look nice especially when they finally sag and make us look like we have bat wings! Yikes! It’s also hard to accept that some friends and family would not only tease you for those arms but also play with it too! They really like the jiggling but we definitely don’t!

Arm Workout For Women: 13 Exercises to Get Rid of Flabby Arms

The only way to get the flab out is to get serious with our diet and exercise routine. As with everything, most fat loss routines start with a good diet but how about when it comes to making the muscles firm? We have exercise to answer that and we’ve compiled the 13 best exercises to finally get rid of those pesky flabby arms.

If you are in the process of toning your arms and getting rid of the flab, the following exercises will help you tremendously to get the desired toned arms you have been waiting for. Some are simple, while others are slightly complicated but each one of them will help you get rid of the excess fat.

Pilates boxing
Pilates boxing which is otherwise called Piloxing mainly combines techniques of pilates, boxing with a dash of dance if you are feeling adventurous. Pilates help in strengthening the body and boxing is a martial art that is a great form of exercise to burn fat and tone muscles. This exercise gives your arms and upper body a good workout and very much helps in toning.

How to do it:

  • Stand with your feet apart, bend your knees and move forward from your waist
  • While keeping your elbows up and steady, box with your right hand forward
  • Make sure you are clenching your abs while doing the motion
  • Box on each side several times (can go up to 20)

Triceps swing
The main focus of this exercise is on the arms. With a set of weights, this exercise helps in toning the arms. The technique is simple and after a few workout sessions, you will see visibly toned arms.  If you want to focus on your triceps, this is a very good exercise for you.

How to do it:

  • Lie on your back with your feet on the floor
  • Bend both your knees
  • Carry a 5 lb dumbbell (or less) in each hand
  • Keep them a few inches off the floor
  • Keep your arms straight and raise your right arm over your chest while the left one is above your head
  • Lower the arm and repeat the steps
  • Do it 15 times with your right arm and then switch sides
  • Do 2-3 sets to see positive results

Bent over reverse fly
This exercise tests your stamina as you engage the muscles at the back of your shoulders. Since you are not standing straight in this exercise, it is challenging but a great one to tone the muscles of your arms. It is one of the tougher exercises but if done correctly, produces great results in shorter time.

How to do it

  • Bend your knees a little bit and move the elbows with an outward motion (dumbbells in your hands)
  • This motion will stretch your arms to form a straight line
  • Your palms should be facing your body at all times
  • Bring them down and repeat 9-12 times


The Secret to Get Rid of Muffin Top

The Secret to Get Rid of Muffin Top

The “muffin top” has gone from most-loved breakfast item on Seinfeld to the most-despised body part of women everywhere. What you should know is: those classic crunches you’re doing? They’re not working.

To get rid of muffin top, simply working the front of your abs is not enough. With a combination of a proper diet and cardio, the key to melting that muffin top is actually by targeting your lower back. By strengthening your lower back, your waistline will pull in.

After your usual ab workout, flip over on your stomach and work the opposing muscles with this simple exercise.

Work your lower back!


  • ♡ On a rug or mat, lie down flat on your stomach, keeping your arms & legs extended.
  • ♡ Keeping your torso stationary and your arms & legs straight, simultaneously lift your arms & legs off the floor and toward the ceiling, forming a “u” shape with your body. Your back will arch as you lift several inches off the floor.
  • ♡ Hold for a count of 20, then rest for a count of 20 to complete one rep. Begin with a set of 5 reps.
  • ♡ When complete, go into your regular stretching.


13 Yoga Asanas for Weight Loss

13 Yoga Asanas for Weight Loss

13 Yoga Asanas for Weight Loss

1. Wide-Legged Forward Bend (Prasarita Padottanasana)

Traditionally, your hands should be touching the floor in front of you in this pose, but we like the extra shoulder stretch!

Spread your feet 3-4 feet apart, and bend forward at the HIPS, not the waist.  This means that your back should be as straight as possible when you bend, and you should not simply “hunch” forward.

If you’re bending properly, you will actually feel a strong stretch in the hamstrings.  Practice in front of the mirror to try to get the correct form.

Hold for 5-6 breaths. If you feel comfortable enough, clasp the hands behind the back.  Try to bring them up towards the ceiling to give the arms and shoulders an extra stretch.

lunge asana for weight loss

2. Lunge (Anjaneyasana)

This is one of the best poses for stretching the hips.  Many people tend to have tight hips from sitting in front of a computer all day.  It will also help increase your flexibility for the splits, if that happens to be one of your goals.

Keep in mind that your hands can be wherever you want them to be in this asana, and their location often determines what muscles you are stretching.

If you raise the arms up and tilt them backwards, you will bring this stretch into the back as well as the hips.  You can also bring the arms down to your sides and behind you a bit to stretch the lower back.  The third option is to rest them on the knee in front of you, although you won’t get as deep of a stretch in the hips.

Make sure your front knee is as close to 90 degrees as possible.

Hold for 30 seconds, and repeat on the other side.

3. Half Boat Pose (Ardha Navasana)

This is a great yoga asana for weight loss, because it directly works the tummy!  You’ll feel your ab muscles working hard as you try to hold this pose.

Put your palms down on the ground for balance, and raise the legs first.  When you feel stable enough, raise the arms so that they are parallel with the ground.

If you feel that this is too “easy,” try increasing the space between your knees and chest by leaning back a little and moving the knees a little farther away from you.  You should feel your abs burning if you’re doing it right!

Hold for 30 seconds.

If you feel comfortable in this pose, try straightening the legs for an extra challenge.  This is full boat pose, and it is much more difficult to balance in.


What Happens When You Drink Water with Baking Soda on an Empty Stomach

What Happens When You Drink Water with Baking Soda on an Empty Stomach

This remedy should not be underestimated because it has some undeniable benefits for the body. Just a glass of water with baking soda on an empty stomach can help you get rid of some serious diseases.

Find out what are the effects of water consumption on an empty stomach with bicarbonate, to convince yourself, enter into this liquid diet for a miraculous effect!

Water with Baking Soda: Pure Health
Baking soda is not only useful when you make cookies, but it is a guaranteed cure for many unpleasant ailments. In addition, it helps to regulate the pH in the body, given that, we already know that a large proportion of serious diseases are caused by an imbalance in it.

Here are Most Important Benefits of Drinking Water with Baking Soda!

1. Antacid Effect:
Baking soda has been recognized as a remedy for gastric hyper acidity, a symptom faced by most of people. Gastric reflux occurs when stomach acid in the esophagus sometimes reaches even higher in the throat, causing a burning sensation specific. Drinking water daily with sodium bicarbonate, hydrochloric acid neutralizes stomach and fixes the issue. Also, these effervescent beverages belching induce healing (removing gas from the stomach through the mouth), which prevents bloating and heartburn.

2. Alkalize Body:
An acidic pH of the body results in the occurrence of several serious diseases, including cancer. Water has the property sodium bicarbonate to balance the pH of the body. Acidity is necessary for effective digestion of food, but it is generally considered that a high alkalinity is healthier, because the diseases thrive in an acid environment. Many chronic degenerative diseases, such as osteoporosis, arthritis and cancer have been associated with an increased acidity of the body. In these conditions, even it does not seem much to drink one glass of water with baking soda on an empty stomach, since you can have great benefit.

3. Prevent Kidney Stones:
Kidney Stones not only occurs from a genetic disorder, but also due to an iron imbalance in the body which can be identified through strongly acidic urine. Nephrolithiasis is a disease that shows no sign of pain or suffering for a long time, but when it does, the pain is very severe. You might have kidney stones and not know until you remove them. This disease affects a large part of the population; one of the main reasons is that people do not hydrate properly. Drink a glass of water with baking Soda every day and you will greatly reduce the risk of kidney stones.
